
  • Nina Petrillo


    From a young age, Nina constantly observed the actions and words of those around her. Confused by unkindness and seeming differences, she questioned human nature deeply, and wanted to know the Truth: Who am I? Why am I here?

    To Nina, yoga is the clearest path for the realization of Truth, and her offerings are built on this loving desire/curiosity. 

    Nina’s teachings are rooted in their sources, namely the systems of Hatha and Raja Yoga. She is an E-RYT 500 with over 1000 hours of yogic study. Inspired by these traditions and her daily sādhanā, Nina weaves sacred teachings into a clear offering of how the purifying practice of Hatha Yoga works, what it prepares us for, and what it means to live an ethical, yogic lifestyle of self-inquiry today. What we do, and how we do it, matters.

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    Nina’s asana classes offer a platform for observation and skillful placement of attention, cultivating the necessary discipline for/in the practice. Her classes are a challenging, yet seamlessly woven, journey through the body with precise physical cues, deep energetic concentrations, and, above all, undivided attention and support to each student on their exploration within. Her knowledge of the physical and subtle body anatomy offers guidance to anyone who comes to practice in a clear, supportive and integral way. All are always welcome, and so are questions! Her asana teaching style infuses hatha stillness within a vinyasa practice, heavily influenced by the ghosh yoga tradition. Nina also Bhakti Yoga, so expect an opportunity to use your voice and chant along with the harmonium! 

    Nina specializes in teaching hatha yoga, yoga philosophy, energy anatomy, mantra and meditation to those of all ages and backgrounds. 

    Nina is currently an Acupuncture student at Pacific College and is certified in hands-on healing techniques such as acupressure massage, cupping, moxa, guasha and more to work with stress/tension/pain patterns in the body. She uses this knowledge through her offerings of Meridian Yoga Technique (MYT). She has over 300 hours of Yin Yoga/Therapeutic Yoga training, using the practice of Yin Yoga to guide students toward heightened emotional awareness through an inner exploration of holding patterns in the body and mind. 

    It is Nina’s great honor to teach, learn, connect and serve. She is dedicated to sharing the practice to all beings everywhere. Always learning, Nina is grateful to have studied all over the world, including month long intensives in Rishikesh, India and Bali, Indonesia. Nina thanks her teachers Rose Erin Vaughan, Talia Sutra, Katherine Girling, Everett Newell and many, many others for their unwavering guidance. 

  • Danielle Martucci

    A story is energy that allows us to discover freedom through conscious awareness.

    Yoga gives us the space to recreate ourselves through divine guidance & protection. As a yoga teacher, holding a safe space for students to feel and heal is a privilege. Our bodies tell a story. Practicing yoga gives our body the chance to tell the story. When our story flows, we can shift our awareness and change how we perceive ourselves and the world.

    Danielle Martucci is an E-RYT and Reiki Master Teacher. Her yoga studies brought her to train in yin yoga, mandala vinyasa, and meridian yoga therapy. Danielle has been practicing yoga since 2016 and has been a teacher since 2018. Through her sadhana (personal daily practice), she studied the four elements and their relationship to the Self.

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    After years of teaching, Danielle found that she wanted to slow down despite being initially influenced by Ashtanga and Vinyasa. Yin Yoga and Hatha Yoga became the core of her practice and teachings. Understanding the body from the inside out helped her be more confident and stable in everyday life. The yoga practice became less physical and more energetic.

    Danielle has traveled all over the world to learn the practice of yoga, including Morocco, Mexico, India, Bali, and Thailand. Her travels humbled her and are a massive part of her compassionate techniques.

    Danielle’s offerings have many cultural influences, such as Shamanic, Tantric, Buddhist, and Mayan. The elements, air, earth, fire & water, are beautiful representations of the emotional patterns we experience daily. Through the symbolism of the elements, Danielle can curate the connection to self in her offerings.

    Danielle's therapeutic yoga teachings provide an energetic experience that combines emotional intelligence, introspection, philosophy, and alignment to build strength and flexibility for both body and mind. Through asana, meditation, pranayama, and mantra, we can surrender to our internal reality and become more familiar with truth. Join Danielle in class for self-discovery and self-mastery. We are opening ourselves up to the unconditional love of the universe.

  • Alexa Moritz

    Alexa first came to her yoga mat in 2014. While at the time she was drawn to āsana (the physical practice of yoga), in her heart she felt a call to something deeper. It was in savasana (final rest) where she recognized a safe place where the mind could be at ease, as the affects of her āsana practice could be noticed.

    Through continued practice and observation, Alexa came to realize yoga as a way of being. As a mirror for life, the practice returns us to our innate nature, empowering us to see beyond the layers of conditioning. This practice of self-observation touches each aspect of our lives, and it is this Alexa shares through her lifestyle and teaching.

    As a teacher, Alexa guides her students to find a home inside of themselves— encouraging introspection and self-exploration. Expect to move through challenging yet thoughtful sequences that leave you feeling physically stronger, mentally lighter, and more connected to yourself and the world around you.

    A lifelong student, Alexa is committed to her sadhana (daily personal practice) and continues to approach the practice with love and curiosity. Her training spans vinyasa, hatha yoga, and meridian yoga therapy. With immense gratitude, she receives ongoing guidance and mentorship from Danielle Martucci.

  • Dyami Jasdanwala

    Dyami is deeply passionate about sharing the yoga practice with her students. She acknowledges that the practice extends far beyond the classroom and reaches into each part of our lives: an intimate chance to get to know who you truly are. Her classes are challenging physically and mentally while keeping an intentional focus on the breath. Expect to feel spacious and blissful after taking a class with Dyami. Dyami trained through Zuna Yoga with her teachers, Everett Newell and Kathrine Girling. She continues to learn under the guidance and teachings of Nina Petrillo. If Dyami isn't in the yoga studio, you can find her off in the woods on her mountain bike, exploring the wild outdoors.