Private yoga is very individualized and highly attentive to YOU. A session can include āsana (physical shapes), prāṇāyāma (breathing to expand/control life force), concentration, meditation, mantra and more. When we practice yoga, we refine our ability of "one pointedness," but anything can be our tool in doing so. It is the ability to be one pointed we are honing. As we work together, we will discover what helps you in that, so the skill of discernment— between what is Truth and what is non-truth— can be refined.

Infinite Reality has infinite forms; therefore, there are infinite paths to develop the discipline necessary to enliven your life!

sādhanā: any practice done regularly for the purpose of Self-Realization.

Begin with us: 40 days, 5 sessions


    We recommend beginning with this 40 day sādhanā designed for those beginning their practice or looking for inspiration to deepen their practice. This sādhanā can be done as many times as you’d like, as each is individualized to one’s current abilities/circumstances. Repetition will only deepen the practice.

    Goal: develop the necessary discipline— through daily sādhanā— and purification of the body/mind in preparation for spiritual practice. 25-40 minute development of daily sādhanā and discovery of a comfortable seat.

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    How: āsana, purification techniques, mantra, yamas/niyamas, daily practice journal, cultivating stillness/a seat

    When: meet for 75 minutes once/week (5 times) over 40 days, with guided video for home practice + phone check in

Not sure where to begin?

Please email us at: to set up a time to talk.

Let’s begin together. Nothing is needed from you but a desire to learn.

It is the practice that unveils.